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The Professional version of ntopng allows to generate custom traffic reports for one or more interfaces monitored. Report page, reachable from the dropdown home menu in the main toolbar, presents the user with multiple configuration options.
Fixed-width temporal intervals are available on the left. They are 1h (one hour), 1d (one day), 1w (one week), 1M (one month), 6M (six months), and 1Y (one year). A click on any of those intervals produces an automatic report that spans a time range that starts at the present and that goes backwards in time until the clicked interval is reached.
Exact temporal intervals can be chosen using the two dropdown date time pickers in the center. The first and the second pickers are used to specify the start and the end of a custom report, respectively. Once dates and times have been chosen, the report is obtained by clicking on ‘Generate’.
The small checkbox icon right of the ‘Generate’ button allows to select one or more of the available monitored interfaces, as well as application protocols of interest. Clicking on it yields the following overlaid menu.
Finally, the rightmost icon generates a printer-friendly report ready to be printed.
Reports contain charts of monitored interfaces overall traffic, local versus remote traffic, local networks traffic, as well as the traffic grouped by:
Application Protocols (e.g., HTTPS, Skype)
Local Hosts (hosts belonging to local networks) and Remote Hosts (hosts belonging to remote networks)
Local Operating Systems
Autonomous Systems
In the remainder of this section are screenshots of reported information discussed above.